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Kombucha fermentation and pellicle formation following new culture establishment from a bottle


We conducted a very informal, and not especially well-replicated (2 replicates in each group) experiment to compare how a kombucha culture forms, and, to some extent, behaves when started from a piece of culture and some kombucha liquid versus when started from a bottle of good kombucha. What follows is a photo journal of our ”results”.


4 jars of sweet black tea

  1. The 2 jars on the right side of the picture below received a piece of kombucha culture and 2 dl of finished kombucha.

  2. The 2 jars on the left side of the picture below received 1-2 bottles finished Roots of Malmö ”Naturell” kombucha (1 bottle per liter sweet tea). Kombucha was 2 -3 months old and purchased from our closest ICA (ICA Möllan).


We see little difference. Both are forming new cultures on the surface of the liquid.

We really don’t see much difference between the cultures at this point.

When i got into the brewery on Monday, I noticed I forgot to empty and clean the containers I used to sample our kombucha from the tanks on Friday, and, as usual a little pellicle has formed on top:


We do see some difference, primarily that the culture started from a piece of culture remains floating and as such is getting thicker:

While the cultures started from bottles, sink each time the culture is renewed and as such each ”daughter” (as they are sometimes called) is quite thin.

In this picuture, you see the sunken ”mother” culture piece, and the newly formed ”daughter”.

After 1,5 months and 4 cycles, both cultures remain floating when we start the new batch and now the cultures appear largely the same.


They look very much the same.

We also measured pH, and while they varied a bit (2.68 – 2.83), they did not vary across treatments (with-scoby average pH 2.74; from-bottle average pH 2.75; note this is very low for kombucha pH; these kombuchas would be too strong and dry to make a very tasty beverage on their own).

Finally I got tired of this experiment and left these jars alone for a few months. I have kept these cultures alive, and they continue to behave the same. There is no perceivable difference in the amount or appearance of the culture, or in the taste of the brew.

Conclusion: You can start a healthy culture from a bottle of store-bought kombucha (provided it is whole-brewed, unpasteurized, and unfiltered).

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brecht aronson
brecht aronson
Nov 29, 2024

Kul att höra att du njuter av en god drink när du spelar! Om du letar efter en plats som kombinerar spänning med ett brett utbud av spel, kan jag varmt rekommendera där hittar du allt från klassiska bordsspel till nya och spännande alternativ som uppdateras regelbundet. Det bästa är hur enkelt det är att navigera och hitta det som passar ens humör.Själv gillar jag att testa olika typer av spel beroende på stämningen – ibland snurrar jag på hjul, andra gånger kör jag något mer strategiskt. Vad brukar du spela när du kopplar av med din favoritdrink?


sanzio smedley
sanzio smedley
Nov 29, 2024

Mycket intressant artikel, och jag älskar att dricka denna underbara drink när jag spelar. Jag undrar om någon annan gör det här, och i så fall vad spelar du?




Roots of Malmö AB

Norra Grängesbergsgatan 28

214 50 Malmö


Tel: +46(0)762338544


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